Frequently asked questions...
When do applications open for 2025?
Applications will open on Sat 1st Feb 2025 - NB Glastonbury will not be available on this day. All those who worked x2 camping events with us in 2024 will get an email in Feb to alert them to the application process for Glastonbury 2025.
What type of volunteer roles are offered on this website?
All positions offered on this website are for volunteer stewarding roles....these roles fall into two main categories - scanning/wristbanding and general stewarding....there are other roles such as bar assistant.
Glastonbury 2025 Applications
Those who volunteered at 2 camping events in summer 2024 will be invited to apply first and foremost. An invite does not guarantee a place.
Is there a required deposit and admin fee?
Glastonbury deposits will be equal to that of the ticket price.
Glastonbury aplications will NOT open on 1st February 2025 - all those legible for an invite...those who have volunteered with Festaff at x2 or more camping events in summer 2024... will be contacted ahead of 1st Feb.
If we have any places remaining we will look to invite interest from those with previous experience vounteering with Festaff.
Please kee your eyes on our Social Media for updates.
What accommodation will there be?
You are required to camp and provide all your own camping equipment....we will provide basic camping facilities.
Basic lighting, showers and toilets will be provided in your staff camping area.
We also have a number of places at most events for campervans - please look further down this page for more info.....
If you live close to an event there is an option to travel in but you MUST be on time for all shifts....but being part of the team on site is much more fun!
Food/Meal Vouchers.
We would suggest that you bring food for your stay on site - if it is a 4 day event then x2 meals vouchers will not suffice we suggest - vendors won't be open on the night you arrive on site - please be prepared - bring some food to fill in when you dont have vouchers and some money if you can.
This also applies to BST/APE - please bring a snack with you until gates open if you require.
At most events we will supply you with a meal token per 8 hour shift - not at Glastonbury, APE or BST. Some events this maybe a packed lunch.
These can, generally, be redeemed at any of the vendors on site - please check with vendors that they take the vouchers and what you will get - some vendors are more generous than others. They will have a monetary value attcahed to each vouchers - these can only be redeemed for food or softs drinks - no alcohol, tobacco etc.
The events rules are your rules on use of gas stoves, bbqs, disposable bbqs, hexi stoves etc - so please check out the guidance that pertian to the event you are attending - they will be on their website.Please be sensible when using any cooking appliance - use is predesignated bbq area or away from tents.
Please do not bring too much food and drink.
Please bring a resubale water bottle and a metal/plastic mug for hot drinks.
Alcohol on site...
Please refer to individual event guidelines - we must follow their line on alcohol - same rules for paying customers as for volunteers.
There must be no alcohol at any staff meetings - no excuses. Anyone who is seen drinking on shift, appears inebriated or under the influence may be shown off site there and then. Common Sense!
What you can expect as part of our team.....
We will do what we can to make volunteering with us as enjoyable as possible - we want you to have fun and come back and see us year on year.
You will receive a meal voucher per shift to be redeemed at any of the vendors on site at the event.
A secure staff campsite with showers, toilets, washing facilities and basic lighting.
Tea, coffee, biscuits, sweets etc at welfare stations when on duty.
We endeavour to supply a charging point/welfare area in the staff campsite at each event where you can get hot water and charge mobile phones up etc. If this is not possible we will arrange something alternative.
Support from our team of Supervisors for your time on site and the wider support of Festaff Team that you will be part of.
NB. No meals are issued at Glastonbury or on BST/APE day shows.
We would also suggest that you need to bring your own food, or money to purchase meals/food for days when you are not on duty or when the food vending units are not open.... for epample on your 1st night on site on site when traders will not be open for business.
When will I find out if my application has been successful?
We endeavour to let you know as soon as possible as it benefits both you and us to do so. We will aim to let you know in around a week of submitting your application. NB this could be 2-3weeks when applications initially open to allow us to deal with the large number of initial applications...or could be longer once the festival season begins. An email/text will be sent informing you of our decision. Please have patience.
What if my application is not successful?
We will return your deposit & admin fee (if applicable)within 14 days of our decision. This will be done electronically to your CC, or by PayPal or bacs.
You are required to volunteers for a set amount of hours at any event.
Most camping events are 2 x 8 hour shifts but some such as Glastonbury and Creamfields are 3 x 8 hour shifts.
Day events...BST/APE... will be 1 x 8 hour shifts.
Please refer to individual event pages for shifts required.
This and shift allocation can take a little time - please have patience as it is imperative that we have the correct people on site and that your contcat deatils are correct so that we can contact details you on site should we need to regarding shift changes, changing event info, weather warning etc etc.
Please make sure you have the correct ID - It must be PHOTO ID. We would prefer a driving license (Full or Provisional UK DL, no overseas DLs) or a passport but if you cannot provide any of the above please email us at to agree ID that is acceptable.
Shift Allocation...
This is done on site at just after accreditation on site.
Shifts will be graded A shift, B Shift....(and C Shift if applicable). You must select a shift from each pot A & B. We have graded the shifts so that they are shared as equally as possible and to prevent those at the front of the queue from selecting the best shifts...we would still suggest that the best way to secure the shifts you, and your friends, desire is to turn up in good time for accreditation.
Shifts will be of 8 hours but these could be augmented to reflect the needs of the event. Shifts cannot be held or booked for those arriving later.
Breaks will be allocated where possible. There will not be extra breaks for smokers. All will get the same break times as far as possible.
Why can't we pick shifts prior to arriving on site...
Promoters can move opening times at any point due to weather, road closures, site issues, police advice etc. We must be able to react to these late changes and thus we may not know the full shift times until around 24 hours before doors. .
We try and split the shifts to be as fair as possible - everyone needs to pick a shift from Section A and another from Section B....and Section C if there is a third shift. This is so one can take all of the best shifts - even if you are a late arrival you will still get shifts from each section.
We would advise that you try and get to site in good time for accreditation so you get the best selection of shifts.
Why do we need to arrive early for shifts...
We dont ask you to come to do any other training prior to arriving on site, online or otherwise, so it is imperative that we have some time with you to explain things before we open the gates and let the paying public into the event.
If we ask you to arrive an hour early for your 1st shift this is so we can train you on scanning/wristbanding or show you the area you are covering for stewarding to allow you to gain knowledge of the area you are covering - where is the arena, where is the nearest waterpoint, where is the box office etc etc.
An hour may seem overly long, to some, but we need to make sure everyone has the equipment they need and they know how to use it. Many staff are returners but there is always a number of newbies per event and they need to be trained and made to feel comfortable in the positions they have been placed. We hope that more experienced staff will use that historical knowledge help our newer members of staff settle into their roles.
30 minutes before 2nd/3rd shifts gives us enough time to prime you and get you in position so that there is no break in the service.
Can I be on the same shifts as my friends?
Shifts are allocated to you upon arrival. We distribute them in a fair manner so that nobody gets the short straw. If you want to be able to pick your shifts or be on the same shift as a friend arrive as early as you can for accreditation - together. We will endeavour what we can to keep you on same shifts but help yourselves first by following the above advice.
We do what we can to keep friends together - happy volunteers are productive volunteers!!
You can swap shifts with other volunteers if you wish - but you and the swapee must both come and see us in the on site office to swap them on our rota.
Please be prepared to spend time on your feet...
Please make sure you have the right footwear for your shifts - we suggest broken in walking boots are best for green field sites that events are held on - do not wear sandals, crocs etc - please make sure your feet are protected!
You will be given breaks during your shift - please use therse breaks to rest your legs/feet.
Spending time on your feet is unavoidable in the roles we cover on site.
Toilets and Showers.
There should be a provision of protaloos/urinals etc in all areas of the event for public and volunteer use.
You will be provided with an allocation for the staff campiste that we must share with the other staff/volunteers on site.
There should also be toilets in your working area within easy distance.
You will be provide with an allocation of showers in the staff camping areas. These again are to be shared with other staff/volunteers on site.
Differing events have differing arrangments but most events all facsilsities are open to volunteers 24 hours - unless they are being ckeaned - which is x2 per days.
Desposits/Admin Fees...
Why have you introduced deposits?
In order for us to provide a reliable service to festivals we need to ensure that our volunteers turn up on time and carry out the tasks delegated to them. In the past a number of applicants have accepted positions at festivals but then decided not to turn up or perform their duties. Some have informed us of their decision not to volunteer, many have not. This puts unfair pressure on those who have turned up and taken their responsibilities seriously. By introducing a deposit we hope to make applicants think a little more carefully before submitting their application.
How much is the deposit?
£20.00 per festival applied for.
There is no deposit for APE Victoria Park and BST Hyde Park but there is a £10 admin fee. The deposit for Glastonbury & Boomtown differs - please check the event page for details.
One bond/admin fee per event/application. You cannot swap your bond/admin fee from event to event. It is only valid for the event you have applied for. One admin fee WILL NOT cover all events in any summer.
How much is the administration fee?
£15.00 per camping festival applied for.
£10.00 is the admin fee for one day shows - e.g. APE Victoria Park and BST Hyde Park.
When and how do I pay my deposit and application fee?
Applicants pay the deposit and application fee via PayPal or CC when submitting their application.
Will my deposit guarantee me a place at an event?
No. We must review all applications before places can be offered.
Is camping included? Yes on weekend camping festivals...also Neighbourhood Weekender.
Will you return the administration fee?
The administration fee and bond will be returned if no offer of a place is made by Festaff for the event.
Under what circumstances might my deposit not be returned to me?
You don’t attend a festival for which your application has been granted.
You withdraw from the event less than 5 weeks before you are due on site. If you apply within 5 weeks of an event this rule still applies. You fail to show up on shift you are allocated.
You fail to undertake your duties during a festival or do not reach the required standard whilst on duty.
You turn up late for the performance of your duties or are disruptive on site.
You do not comply with the volunteer notice.
Deposits for APE Victoria Park and BST Hyde Park are non refundable.
What happens if I am offered a place at a festival but I turn it down?
Your admin fee will be withheld but your deposit will be returned as long as it is outwith 5 weeks prior to an event. If you withdraw within 5 weeks of 1st day on site for an event the admin fee and deposit will be withheld.
What happens if you are unable to offer me a place at a festival?
Your deposit and admin fee will be refunded.
What happens if I decline a place before an offer is made?
Your admin fee will be withheld.
Deposit Returns and Refunds...
When will my deposit be returned to me?
Deposits will be paid back via cheque at the end of the summer before the end of October. Please make sure your postal address is up to date on your profile - reissued cheques cost will be £20. No cash will be refunded on site.
Glastonbury deposits will not be returned if you do not attend your sister event, for any reason, or your performance at either falls below an acceptable standard.
There are no refunds on admin fees for day events.
Please note refunds may be given by cheque. It is your responsibility to keep us informed of any changes in address/name that may occur. If we have to re-issue a cheque a further £20 fee will be incurred.
A £5 fee may be incurred per application if event/season is cancelled due to factors outwith our control (i.e Covid, adverse weather, etc) and admin work has already been undertaken. (£2 for day events)
The Festaff Management Team will have the final word in any matters on applications.
I'm studying Event Management and want to get involved in the festival/music business.
Many of our volunteers are studying events or are interested in this industry. However, getting experience can be tough. Volunteering with Festaff means you not only get to add hands-on experience to your CV, but you’ll make great contacts too. If you are studying event management - please let us know and we'll try and help.
Glastonbury 2025 Applications
Those who volunteered at 2 camping events in summer 2024 will be invited to apply first and foremost. An invite does not guarantee a place.
Is there a required deposit and admin fee?
Glastonbury deposits will be equal to that of the ticket price.
Glastonbury aplications will NOT open on 1st February 2025 - all those legible for an invite...those who have volunteered with Festaff at x2 or more camping events in summer 2024... will be contacted ahead of 1st Feb.
If we have any places remaining we will look to invite interest from those with previous experience vounteering with Festaff.
Please kee our eyes on our Socail Media for updates.
Secure Storage.
Please refer to the event website to see if there is any secure storage on site at any events.
Festaff does NOT operate any safe storage system.
We suggest if you cannot afford to lose it - don't bring it!
Parking at events.
At all events there will be free parking for volunteers - if you requirea parking permit one will be issued on site. You will be avised if you are required to have a parking pass.
We do insit that you Care Share wehere possible to save the planet and you money - please fell free to use our SM channels to offer seats or try and get a lift to an event with other memebrs for the team.
Once you have parked up for the event we hope that you vehicle wont move until you leave site.
Guide for Campervans at events with Festaff...
Please do not aply for a CV space before you have been offered a place at said event first and foremost.
Please check that the event actually accepts CVs for volunteers first and foremost on the event page on the Festaff website....currently we cannot accept CVs at day events or Kendal Calling or Sundown.
If you require a pitch, please email the required info – reg, H/W/L, make and model. How many the CV sleeps and what the occupancy will be on the weekend of the show.
Email this info and we will provisionally book you in for the event and will confirm your place around 2 weeks ahead of the event. No info - no booking. NB. Many events have a limit on how many CVs we can bring - so we may not be able to accommodate all.
All CVs must have a window in the sleeping area, ventilation in the sleeping area, fixed beds, and be able to open the back from the inside. No cars, vans etc will be allowed in CV section…a van/pick up/car with a mattress in the back is not a CV.
Once on site you must park where instructed by Festaff Supervisors.
Once on site the CV must stay in situ for the entire event until you leave on the Sunday/Monday.
There are no elec hook ups – anyone caught hooking up to provided elec could be asked to leave site.
Toilet Waste – Please take this away with you…or if you cannot please dispose of it in an IBC on site and DO NOT put it down the portable loos as the cross contamination can make some waste non-recyclable.
No Tents can be put beside/attached to CVans/vehicles – there must be a separation of vehicles and tents.
No amplified music for CVs after 10pm.
No running the engine at unsociable hours.
All CVs must have an in-date fire extinguisher – these may be checked on site.
A separate email must be sent per application/event.
Your CV and belongings may be subject to a full search at any time on site.
Caravans approved on individual basis.
If applying for a place for your CV you agree to abide by the rules given here.
Other Info....
Can I swap my deposit and application fee from festival to festival, or to another person, if I change my mind?
Deposits and administration fees are not transferrable between applicants or events.
Adjustments for those with Disabilities or Health Conditions.
Festaff welcomes applications from all and will make reasonable adjustments to make sure volunteers with disabilities, or physical or mental health conditions, are not substantially disadvantaged when volunteering at any event.
Drop us an email and we will work with you –
What happens if I am ill and cannot attend?
Please email us a scanned copy of a signed and dated doctor's note indicating that you are unfit for work. We will then be able to offer you a refund but places may not be rolled/held over.
What happens if I am unable to attend due to a bereavement?
In order to process your refund, we require you to confirm your relationship with the deceased and supply suitable documentary evidence, such as a death certificate. We can then process your refund.
Who can be my referee?
You are asked to provide a referee as part of your application. This should be somebody who can provide a character reference. Ideally this should be a former employer (especially a mentor or line manager), a contact from a volunteer position, a sports coach from a team you have played in, your teacher, lecturer or tutor. You cannot use family, friends or a neighbour. Please ensure that your referee’s contact details are kept up to date, and that you have their permission for us to contact them.
Can I get a reference for a job?
Volunteering with Festaff means you get to add invaluable experience to your CV. We are happy to offer a reference for you once you have completed your volunteering to a good standard. If you do require a referee, please contact us with details of the job you are applying for.
*All above depends on contracts being agreed with promoters.